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Saved by Peg Syverson
on November 25, 2009 at 8:17:21 am

Zen practice does not depend on reading and study. It is a direct realization of life as it is. Reading and study cannot substitute for regular daily sitting practice and work with a teacher, any more than reading cookbooks can substitute for actually preparing food and eating it. However, study can be a helpful complement to practice. It expands our horizons, encourages our practice and inspires us when we are discouraged or challenged on the path. 


So many people have asked us for recommendations for study, that we have developed an informal Zen “curriculum” of recommended resources. Some of these are listed below. As you read and study, allow the teachings to sink into your body and become realized in your practice. 


Please also be aware that through Amazon Associates, your purchase of any book through one of the links below also supports the Appamada sangha. 


Zen Study Psychological Study
Nothing Special: Living Zen [NOTHING SPECIAL]  


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