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Dharma Talks Template

Page history last edited by Peg Syverson 8 years, 8 months ago

These are recordings of dharma talks given during the Sunday morning program at Appamada, in Austin, Texas, as well as dharma talks given in other places. Please feel free to listen, download and share them. These are conversational rather than formal talks; they are unedited and unpolished, but they will give you a sense of our Sunday program. If you are having difficulty listening online, you can download the talk to your computer by holding down the control or alt key and clicking on the link for the talk. 

Note: There is sometimes some difficulty between the Safari browser and MP3 files. If you have difficulty downloading or listening to these talks, you might try Firefox or another browser instead. 


You can find a list of Way-Seeking Mind talks here: Way-Seeking Mind talks

January-June 20xx July-December 20xx

































































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